Friday 25 January 2013

So, here we go...

Ok I'm going to start off simple and introduce myself...

I'm a 21 year old university student in my final year of a four year Masters degree in Chemistry. Although my degree is what I spend a lot of my time on it's not who I am and, unlike most people in my subject, it is not what defines me. That isn't to say that making science your whole life isn't a noble goal, I love science, but letting it swallow my every waking moment just isn't for me. My passion lies in fitness and in particular pole dancing.

I only starting dancing two years ago. Prior to my first class I had no experience in dancing, gymnastics or anything even remotely related. I was about as graceful as a rock and after my first class my arms felt like they were about to fall off. But I just had to go back. I wanted to be the one defying gravity, the one to make the whole room stop and stare just like my instructors did. Through sheer determination I worked past the initial pains and aches of the sport and became very good at it very quickly. It became my life. I lived, breathed and slept pole dancing. It became the thing at the forefront of my mind. Nothing else mattered. Unfortunately I pushed my training too far and after a total of 3 shoulder dislocations in the space of a year I am now all but banned from the pole until I have surgery to repair the damage caused to my ligaments. To fill the inevitable void that this created in my life I turned to fitness; in particular weight lifting and toning.

Who I am now and who I was before I started dancing are two completely different people. It has been a long journey from then until that has not been easy but has taught me a lot. Despite the many ups and downs I would not trade the experience for the world. I will dance again no matter how long and hard the journey may be.

But that isn't all I do. I also own a motor bike and intend to gain my full licence at some point this year (money and time allowing). I've been riding various forms of motor bikes since I was little so I can't wait to upgrade my Honda to something with a little more kick.

So, that's me in a nutshell. There is of course more but this isn't CV. I've done lots of things in my time on this 'pale blue dot' which I may or may not share in due time.

This blog will be dedicated to all things fitness and science related. I don't claim to be an expert in either field (although I am more qualified in one than the other). But I'm certain that not all of what I'll say will be complete and total rubbish. And if I inspire just one person to get off their ass and do something better with their lives then it's a job well done in my book. I'll also throw in the random things I come across during my travels across the vast void that is the internet as long as they're interesting and/or disturbing enough.

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